Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Treat the Hot Flashes and Other Symptoms of Menopause with Electronic Acupuncture

Some lucky women go through menopause without the typical hot flashes, personal dryness and other symptoms. However, they are in the minority. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy or following natural herbal methods without adequate relief, consider electronic acupuncture. It is a non-invasive way to treat your symptoms of menopause in the comfort of your own home.

A Brief Overview of Acupuncture and Its Electric Origins

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses stainless steel needles inserted into various acupoints along the body which correspond to particular functions. However, with the electronic form like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, there are no needles.

The theory behind acupuncture is that your body is comprised of various energy pathways called meridians. And if one of these pathways becomes blocked, it is likely due to illness, injury or natural biological phenomenon like menopause. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate particular acupoints that correspond to the affected body parts to release the blockage to restore proper energy flow.

When you use the Aculife device, electromagnetic pulses are delivered through acupoints in the palm and hand, using a handheld wand. In the case of hot flash remedies, you would simply follow the useful hand map that accompanies the device to pinpoint the best areas to treat menopausal symptoms. It is important to note that you also want to treat balancing points as well. For instance, if you treat the area on the palm tied to gynecological function, you would also want to treat blood pressure and skin condition areas on the backside of the hand since some of the symptoms of menopause include blood pressure issues and skin breakouts.

Simple and Affordable

Acupuncture is now considered a legitimate complementary treatment for many ailments. However, if you would rather not be stuck by needles or don't want to pay for repeat visits to a practiced acupuncturist, invest in the Aculife Therapist device instead. For the cost of just a few acupuncturist visits, you can have an electronic puncture device you can use in the comfort of your own home, according to your schedule. Treating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms has never been easier or effective than with the Aculife.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Want Symptom Detection - Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist Can Help

The Aculife electronic acupuncture device is an excellent complementary treatment for a variety of health conditions. However, did you know that is also has a detection mode? You can use this handheld device to detect possible undiagnosed problems. With the results you get from a reading, you could then present your findings to your doctor to test and confirm a diagnosis.

The Detection Mode

To use the Aculife in detection mode for checking potential health issues, you need a frame of reference. In electronic acupuncture, this is called Shao Shang. With your hand facing down, the Shao Shang area is right near the cuticle of your left thumb. Following the instructions of the device, you would touch the wand delivering the electromagnetic wave impulses to the Shao Shang area, adjusting the intensity until you feel a buzzing sensation. Now you have your baseline.

After the baseline has been established, you simply move the wand over different parts of the hand, using a marker to mark specific acupoints that provide the same baseline buzzing sensation or even those with higher intensity. Once you have completely covered your hand with the wand, you must examine which areas you marked and compare them to the hand map that accompanies each Aculife device.

Understanding the Magnetic Wave Therapist Detection Results

There is nothing to really worry about if the marks you place on your hand during the detection mode do not directly correlate to each other. However, if several of your marks correspond to the same body organ or function, you can use this information and take it to your doctor. Having a starting point will help the doctor prescribe the proper tests to see if you do indeed have some type of health condition.

One thing is for certain, you should not use the Aculife as your sole resource for diagnosing and treating a health condition. Always bring your detection mode results to your doctor so that you can get a definitive diagnosis. Get your Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist at or read Aculife Reviews.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cognitive Therapy Help - At Home with Electronic Acupoint Therapy

Many people with depression, anxiety or other disorders often resort to medications and cognitive therapy to combat the negative thoughts and emotions that are ruling their lives. If you are in this situation, it is important to know that electronic acupuncture can help you cope better with your problems and even speed up recovery time.

How Cognitive Therapy Works

The basis of cognitive therapy holds the hypothesis that your thoughts can affect your mood and lead to negative or false emotions. The goal of this type of therapy is to help you recognize that negativity and replace it with positive thoughts and actions that are best suited to reality.

Perhaps you jump to conclusions or unfairly label a person before getting to know them. Or maybe you blame yourself for things that you cannot control. Those thoughts that become distorted in your head can lead you down the wrong paths and even affect your physical health. For instance, negativity and dread can create rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath or even a queasy stomach. If you pair self-treatment with an electronic acupuncture device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist with cognitive therapy sessions, you will realize greater results.

The Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist as a Cognitive Aid

While traditional acupuncture uses needles, the electronic form like the Aculife uses electromagnetic energy delivered through a handheld wand. Most devices come with a hand and palm map so that you can accurately target the specific body parts affected by your negativity. In the case of rapid heartbeat, you would simply touch the wand to the area of the palm that corresponds with the heart.

Consider this – cognitive therapy helps you gain perspective and positivity by training your mind to change your thinking style while the Aculife device helps treat the physical manifestations of your emotions. By alleviating the physical, you basically pave way for increased success with the mental side of things. Learn more at or

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Erection Problems? Get Natural Relief With Aculife

Impotence is a word that every man wishes he did not have in his vocabulary. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction (ED) does exist and affects millions of men each year. There are several popular medications for this condition but they sometimes have side effects that negatively affect a man's health. If you are a man seeking ED drug alternatives, consider the practice of acupuncture, specifically electronic acupuncture that the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist device offers.

Causes of Sexual Problems in Men

Many men do not realise that sexual excitement actually begins in the brain and from there signals are sent throughout the body to display sexual desire, typically in the form of an erection. You may be like some men who are relatively healthy but still have low libido or trouble forming or retaining an erection. In other words, the body is willing but the mind is blocking the right signals. This could be due to stress factors such as work, personal problems or even depression.

Of course, there are also a variety of health issues that can also cause ED such as high blood pressure, diabetes, injuries, use of tobacco and alcohol and even other medications. Whatever the health issue may be, it is blocking your brain's response in sending blood rushing into the penis in order to form or maintain an erection. While there are drugs available for this condition, electronic acupuncture is an excellent complementary treatment for a variety of sexual problems.

How Electronic Acupuncture Works

Electronic acupuncture devices such as the Aculife work in a similar fashion to traditional Chinese practices of acupuncture using stainless steel needles. Both require stimulation at specific acupoints in order to remove any energy blockages within the body. However, the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist emits electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints in your left hand and palm using a small wand. By touching the wand to the acupoints that correspond to your libido and sexual organs, you can self-treat your impotence problem without relying solely on drugs that may not work. The Aculife also works on other ailments as well and you utilize it in the comfort of your own home. Learn more at

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Natural Hotflash Remedies - Aculife NO-NEEDLES Acupuncture at Home

Some lucky women go through menopause without the typical hot flashes, personal dryness and other symptoms. However, they are in the minority. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy or following natural herbal methods without adequate relief, consider electronic acupuncture. It is a non-invasive way to treat your symptoms of menopause in the comfort of your own home.

A Brief Overview of Acupuncture and Its Electric Origins

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses stainless steel needles inserted into various acupoints along the body which correspond to particular functions. However, with the electronic form like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, there are no needles.

The theory behind acupuncture is that your body is comprised of various energy pathways called meridians. And if one of these pathways becomes blocked, it is likely due to illness, injury or natural biological phenomenon like menopause. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate particular acupoints that correspond to the affected body parts to release the blockage to restore proper energy flow.

When you use the Aculife device, electromagnetic pulses are delivered through acupoints in the palm and hand, using a handheld wand. In the case of hot flash remedies, you would simply follow the useful hand map that accompanies the device to pinpoint the best areas to treat menopausal symptoms. It is important to note that you also want to treat balancing points as well. For instance, if you treat the area on the palm tied to gynecological function, you would also want to treat blood pressure and skin condition areas on the backside of the hand since some of the symptoms of menopause include blood pressure issues and skin breakouts.

Simple and Affordable

Acupuncture is now considered a legitimate complementary treatment for many ailments. However, if you would rather not be stuck by needles or don’t want to pay for repeat visits to a practiced acupuncturist, invest in the Aculife Therapist device instead. For the cost of just a few acupuncturist visits, you can have an electronic puncture device you can use in the comfort of your own home, according to your schedule. Treating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms has never been easier or effective than with the Aculife.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can Aculife Help with Panic Attacks?

If you have ever had intense feelings of anxiety come upon you suddenly accompanied by rapid heart rate, sweating, chills, hyperventilation, chest pain, throat tightening and more, you have experienced a panic attack. Medications and psychotherapy are common treatments and while they do work, they are not a one-size fits all kind of solution. Magnetic acupuncture can help bridge the gap in your treatment options. Also known as electronic acupuncture, this magnetic form is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture which involve inserting tiny needles into specific acupoints along the body. The goal is to manipulate certain spots to unblock trapped energy in your body. With a panic disorder, chances are you have a lot of negative energy building up in your body and the only way it had been released has been through panic attacks. What if you can head those panicky feelings and manifestations off at the pass?

Acupoint Therapy

With a magnetic acupuncture device like the Aculife, you can treat without needing to see a professional acupuncturist or juggle medications and psychotherapy treatments. This hand-held device uses a wand to direct electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints located on your hand and palm. An accompanying hand map pinpoints specific body functions which may contribute to your panic disorder.

Studying your Panic Disorder for your Treatment Plan

Study your own reactions when you experience a panic attack. What happens to you may not happen to others with a panic disorder. If you become nauseous and have chest pains, you will want to target the acupoints on the hand that deal w your heart function and digestive system. With a rapid heart rate, hyperventilation or even a sense of impending doom, you would target the acupoints on the hand and palm dealing with the circulatory and nervous system.

The beauty of the Aculife Magnetic Wave device is that you can directly treat the areas in which the symptoms are manifested in your panic disorder. Medications and even psychotherapy cannot always be that successfully direct, although they do help. Electronic acupuncture can be a very effective complementary therapy for your panic disorder.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Treat Headaches with Aculife

If you have ever experienced severe headaches or migraines, you can recognise the onset of one by its many symptoms: localized pain at the top, sides or even front and center of your head, throbbing sensations within the sinus cavities, sensitivity to light and even dizziness and nausea. The typical treatment is to take prescribed medications and lie down in a quiet, dark room. However, what if you can treat migraine pain successfully without resorting to medications? There is an electronic form of acupuncture called magnetic wave therapy which you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Traditional Acupuncture vs. the Electronic Form

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses tiny needles inserted into various strategic points throughout your body. The thought is that your body is divided into various energy pathways called meridians and if one of them becomes blocked, pain or illness sets in. Inserting the needles at various acupoints work to unblock the energy, allowing proper flow and therefore, pain-free or illness-free existence.

For various reasons (cost or aversion to needles), you may not want to try traditional acupuncture. There is an alternative called electronic acupuncture that you can do yourself. Using a small, handheld device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, you can treat your migraine pain or any other malady on your schedule, not anyone else’s.

How It All Works

The Aculife device uses electromagnetic waves delivered through a handheld wand. A detailed hand map accompanies the device which breaks down body functions and highlights the corresponding acupoints. Following the instructions set forth by the Aculife, you would simply touch the wand to strategic spots on the hand and palm, based on where your migraine pain is located.

Keep in mind that it may take several sessions before you realize full relief from this electronic form of acupuncture. After all, if you have been experiencing migraine pain for years, it will take some experimenting, targeting the appropriate acupoints before you find the right combination to suit your needs. However, once you do, you will have a fail-safe way of alleviating migraine pain BEFORE it debilitates you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Electronic Acupoint Therapy - For Looking Younger

Purchasing anti-aging creams, wrinkle erasers and other skin products makes sense as part of a beauty regiment to stay younger looking. However, did you know that an electronic acupuncture device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist can be used as a skin care treatment? In fact, it could very well be the product you can count on for long term skin care.

The High Cost of Experimenting with Lotions and Creams

Your skin is not a one-size fits all in terms of lotions and creams. Sometimes, your skin may be oily and other times dry. The wrinkles around your mouth may require different skin products than the ones around your neck or eyes. Beauty products are expensive, particularly if you do not get the right products the first or even second time around. The one constant you would be able to count on is electronic acupuncture if you incorporated it into your beauty routine.

A device like the Aculife can help relax the tense muscles in your face causing wrinkles. Delivering electromagnetic wave impulses through a handheld wand, electronic acupuncture can target specific areas that need treatment the most. It can even help treat dark circles under the eyes, clear up acne and more.

Understanding Electronic Acupuncture

The Chinese have used traditional acupuncture with needles for thousands of years to treat many ailments. Stimulating specific acupoints to unblock energy pathways is the goal of acupuncture and with the electronic version, electromagnetic impulses are delivered through a handheld wand instead.

There are acupoints located in the hand, wrist and palm which correspond to particular beauty areas you want to target. For instance, dry or oily skin may be caused hormonal fluctuations so you would aim the electromagnetic wand to the area on the hand that corresponds with hormone function. Allergies can cause dark circles so the electronic acupuncture device would be directed to the appropriate targeted area. With the accompanying hand map that comes with these devices, finding the correct acupoints to stimulate is easy. And there is an Aculife book that can help provide suggested advice for a number of ailments and overall wellness.

Anti-aging products for wrinkles and other skin care can still be used in conjunction with electronic acupuncture. However, you will discover that you may use less product, the longer you use a device like the Aculife. As a side benefit, when you purchase your own electronic acupuncture device, you can treat a number of health issues as well as use it as a diagnostic tool.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Electronic Acupuncture Excels as a Beauty Treatment

While anti-wrinkle creams, acne lotions and dark circle cover-ups are leading products in the cosmetic industry, there is one beauty treatment you may not have considered – electronic acupuncture. With a one-time investment, you can have the ultimate tool for your skin care needs whereas skin gels, creams and lotions have to be purchased several times a year, costing a lot of money in the long run.

Causes of Typical Beauty Problems

Wrinkles are the most troublesome beauty problem, especially for women. They are caused by tension stored in the muscles and skin. Acne is often the result of a hormonal change in addition to a lack of a skin cleansing routine. Dark circles can be genetic but also the result of a lack of sleep or allergies issues. Acupuncture can help treat the underlying causes of all of these beauty problems.

Sure, there are traditional cosmetic treatments like Botox or Restylane to fill in wrinkles but they can be quite painful and last only a few months. With electronic acupuncture, no needles are used, only a wand to deliver electromagnetic impulses into key acupoints in the hand, palm and wrist. In fact, this type of therapy also can treat other skin problems, particularly those that stem from some other bodily function like hormones.

How Electronic Acupuncture Works as a Beauty Treatment

There are many acupoints located in the hand that correspond to other parts of the body. When some of the energy pathways are blocked, wrinkles, dark circles and skin problems can crop up. The goal is to break up those blockages with the electronic impulses.

A map of the hand comes with the electronic acupuncture devices so you know exactly where to place the wand to deliver the electromagnetic wave impulses. There is an acupoint that targets dark circles. Stimulating this spot helps boost oxygen and blood circulation to reduce the circles under the eyes. It can also trigger collagen fibre repair to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. By stimulating the spot for hormonal function, you can better control the dryness or oiliness of the skin.

Getting plenty of sleep and rest and eating a healthy diet is an important part of any beauty treatment. However, it is by no means the only treatment. By using electronic acupuncture regularly, you can heal yourself from the inside out and that is one of the best beauty treatment options you can practice.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Look Younger and More Vibrant with Acupoint Therapy from Aculife

While anti-wrinkle creams, acne lotions and dark circle cover-ups are leading products in the cosmetic industry, there is one beauty treatment you may not have considered – electronic acupuncture. With a one-time investment, you can have the ultimate tool for your skin care needs whereas skin gels, creams and lotions have to be purchased several times a year, costing a lot of money in the long run.

Causes of Typical Beauty Problems

Wrinkles are the most troublesome beauty problem, especially for women. They are caused by tension stored in the muscles and skin. Acne is often the result of a hormonal change in addition to a lack of a skin cleansing routine. Dark circles can be genetic but also the result of a lack of sleep or allergies issues. Acupuncture can help treat the underlying causes of all of these beauty problems.

Sure, there are traditional cosmetic treatments like Botox or Restylane to fill in wrinkles but they can be quite painful and last only a few months. With electronic acupuncture, no needles are used, only a wand to deliver electromagnetic impulses into key acupoints in the hand, palm and wrist. In fact, this type of therapy also can treat other skin problems, particularly those that stem from some other bodily function like hormones.

How Electronic Acupuncture Works as a Beauty Treatment

There are many acupoints located in the hand that correspond to other parts of the body. When some of the energy pathways are blocked, wrinkles, dark circles and skin problems can crop up. The goal is to break up those blockages with the electronic impulses.

A map of the hand comes with the electronic acupuncture devices so you know exactly where to place the wand to deliver the electromagnetic wave impulses. There is an acupoint that targets dark circles. Stimulating this spot helps boost oxygen and blood circulation to reduce the circles under the eyes. It can also trigger collagen fibre repair to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. By stimulating the spot for hormonal function, you can better control the dryness or oiliness of the skin.

Getting plenty of sleep and rest and eating a healthy diet is an important part of any beauty treatment. However, it is by no means the only treatment. By using electronic acupuncture regularly, you can heal yourself from the inside out and that is one of the best beauty treatment options you can practice.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Circulatory Issues? Aculife Could Help

Oxygenated blood circulating throughout your body is the primary key to life, nourishing all your body parts for optimal function. However, what happens when that circulation is impeded in some way? Health problems ranging from erectile dysfunction and headaches to degenerating eyesight and arthritis could result. One of the best alternative treatments you can try to restore good circulation is acupuncture, the ancient Chinese health practice using stainless steel needles in key areas of the body. However, if the thought of someone inserting tiny needles into your body is a turn-off, electromagnetic wave therapy, also known as electronic acupuncture, is the answer.

Understanding Acupuncture Principles

Practitioners of acupuncture work based on the belief that circulation problems stem from blocked energy pathways in the body. These energy pathways are called meridians and can be mapped all throughout your body, interconnecting in different ways. When one of these pathways becomes blocked, poor circulation is a result.

The goal of acupuncture is to unblock these pathways by stimulating certain acupoints that correspond with the blocked areas. Instead of using needles, a personal electronic acupuncture device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist delivers electromagnetic impulses using a handheld wand. This Aculife device comes with a map of the hand, wrist and palm so that you can identify the specific acupoints you wish to stimulate. You can also purchase an Aculife book to help you treat specific issues as well as learn how to use the device in detect mode.

The Results

Some people experience better circulation in one electronic acupuncture session, although it is more likely that you may require a few sessions before you realize improvement. By unblocking energy pathways and increasing blood circulation, you can positively treat a number of health conditions.

The great news about an electromagnetic wave therapist device like the Aculife is that you can purchase it for personal use for the roughly the same price as one or two sessions of traditional acupuncture therapy with a professional. Plus, you can use it every day in the comfort and privacy of your own home. As a side benefit, the device also can help diagnose other health issues that may crop up. For poor circulation, other health problems, and overall wellness, electronic acupuncture is an excellent complementary treatment. Learn more at

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tired of Sharing Your Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist? 50% Off Sale

Have you considered doing acupuncture at home with a magnetic wave therapy wand? Perhaps you’re looking for Aculife reviews so you can decide if it’s right for you. You’ll find a lot of great testimonials about the use of acupoint therapy devices for health and wellness, pain relief, and detection. If you’ve got yours and are benefiting from all the uses, you may be regretting sharing it with family and friends. Or, if you’re thinking it sounds like it’d work for you and a friend or relative, perhaps you should consider buying two units.

At Aculife Ireland, (yes, we ship internationally!) we hear from many people who have purchase this machine and later refer their family and friends. The results can be so remarkable for some, that they want to use it constantly and Magnetic Wave Therapist owners find a queue at their door from friends and relatives who want to get relief from back pain, sciatica, allergies, and other problems. Chances are that once you’ve allowed others to use yours, you’ll be referring your friends to buy their own, so they won’t keep asking to use yours! Send them to so that they can benefit from needleless acupuncture at home. Check our site as we often have Magnetic Wave Therapist sales specials (in summer of 2010, for instance, you get 50% off your second machine when you buy two at once and yes, we take PayPal)

Needleless acupuncture is recognized by client testimonials and through professional acupoint therapy reviews as well. Learn more about the benefits at,, and through subscribing to this blog in the sidebar.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Want to Know the Benefits of Electronic Acupuncture - Here are 6:

If you’ve ever thought about acupuncture or have had it but would like a less invasive and less expensive way to benefit from it, consider the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist. Here are some benefits of buying and using this machine:

  1. No Needles
  2. Save Money
  3. Pain Relief
  4. Detection
  5. Wellness
  6. Flexibility
Want to know the nitty gritty of each of the above? Check out: Benefits of Electronic Acupuncture

Friday, June 25, 2010

Resolve your Sex Problems like ED and Low Libido with Electromagnetic Wave Therapy

Sexual problems are quite commonplace given the daily stress and struggles everyone encounters. Sometimes, there is a health issue causing the problem while other times, no discernable reason exists. Men are lucky in that there is a popular prescription medication they can turn to for erectile dysfunction (ED) to help boost their libido and basically jumpstart their sex life. Women are not so lucky. However, in both cases, electromagnetic wave therapy can help breathe new life into their sex lives.

Typical Causes of Low Libido and other Sex Problems

Men and women may have specific health causes that affect their sex lives. For women, hormonal imbalances are a common culprit while with men, it could be their prostate. However, low libido and other sex problems can also be tied to more serious problems such as thyroid disease, heart issues, diabetes, hypertension, and even reactions to certain prescription medications.

The genital area is rich in blood vessels and very sensitive. When erectile dysfunction or lack of libido occurs, blood flow is typically restricted in this area, causing some loss of sensation. For men, their penis may not remain erect long enough for sex or even to achieve orgasm. In women, without the intense sensations felt in the vaginal area when blood flows freely, they cannot achieve an orgasm or become lubricated enough for pleasurable sex. Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, an electromagnetic wave therapy device like the Aculife can help get blood flowing to the genital area to improve sex lives.

Electronic Form of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese belief that the human body is comprised of different energy pathways that connect all parts of the body. When the energy pathways are blocked, some type of health problem occurs. Tiny needles are applied to particular pressure points, also called acupoints, to break up the blockage to restore energy flow. The Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist uses electromagnetic waves delivered through a wand instead of needles to achieve the same relief.

With the device comes a map of the hand and palm that indicates acupoints corresponding to specific areas of the body. Using the wand, a person with sexual problems can deliver the electromagnetic impulses to the acupoints that correspond to the genitalia. Opening the blocked energy pathways helps restore blood flow to the area, creating a situation more conducive to resolving low libido and ED problems. Magnetic wave therapy devices like the Aculife are exceptional complements to traditional medical treatments, particularly when an underlying medical condition is the cause of the sex problems.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist a Great Diagnostic and Treatment Tool

Thanks to plenty of scientific studies, acupuncture has found legitimacy as a treatment option for a variety of ailments from chronic pain to sleep problems to weight control. However, what if you are ready for an alternative treatment but do not look forward to tiny needles being inserted into your body? Devices like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist can help.

Instead of tiny needles being inserted into acupoints that correspond to specific parts of your body, you use the wand of the Aculife device to deliver electromagnetic wave impulses to the acupoints in the hand and palm. In fact, not only can you treat a specific condition by following the hand and palm map that comes with the device, you can also use it as a medical diagnostic tool as well. (We don’t advocate using it in lieu of a doctor’s advice however!)

Diagnosing Health Problems

If you read testimonials or an Aculife review, you will find out that many people discovered they had a previously undiagnosed health problem that was eventually verified by a doctor. When you put the magnetic wave therapist device in the detect mode and follow the directions, you may feel a prickling sensation over certain areas. This could be an indicator that something is going on within that acupoint's corresponding body part.

Basically, you calibrate your device by placing the wand against the skin of your left thumb near the cuticle, an area that Chinese medical practitioners call "Shao Shang." When the body is in balance, the area should be prickling when you touch it with the wand of the Aculife. You then run the wand over different areas of your left hand and palm. If you feel any tingling sensations similar to or above what you felt in the "Shao Shang" area, mark that particular acupoint with a marker and continue on with your diagnostics. You can come back to that area later for treatment or determine the corresponding acupoint and talk to a physician.

Keep in mind that acupoints have multiple reference points in the body. Therefore, having a tingling sensation in your hand or palm once or twice is likely not cause for concern. However, if you have multiple tingling points and they all are related to one particular body function on an ongoing basis, this might be an indication that you should visit your doctor for an examination and testing to see if there is indeed a medical problem.

While you should not use an electromagnetic wave device as your sole diagnostic and treatment option, it makes for a great complement to traditional medicine. In fact, if you suspect you have an underlying health condition, you can gear your questions to your doctor based on your Aculife findings. You are more likely to get answers faster if your doctor knows where to start testing and officially diagnosing a health condition. Practising electromagnetic wave therapy on a regular basis can be a great way to keep up your good health as well a a way to potentially thwart health problems.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Get PMT Relief with the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist

Menstrual cramps are the top complaint for women who go suffer PMT each month. Sometimes the pain is alleviated through over the counter pain relievers or even prescription pain medications. However, if you knew there was an alternative therapy that was non-invasive, you would try it wouldn’t you? Electronic acupuncture can be done in the comfort of your home with effective results in fighting premenstrual tension as well as symptoms such as cramping.

Understanding Electronic Acupuncture

Based on the ancient Chinese principles of acupuncture, you body is comprised of multiple pathways through connective tissues. These pathways carry energy throughout your body, to the internal organs, skin and bones. When you experience menstrual cramps, pain occurs; this means one of your pathways is blocked and requires intervention in order to re-open the corresponding energy pathway. With regular acupuncture, tiny needles are inserted into key places on the body called acupoints to release the blockage.

Acupuncture practises are on the rise because more and more scientific proof has shown that this 5000+ year old ancient alternative therapy indeed does work. However, repeat visits to a licensed acupuncturist can be costly. With the price of just a few visits, you could invest in an electronic acupuncture device which can help you realise the same results as the original ancient Chinese practice.

An electronic acupuncture device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist is easy to use with its handheld wand. This wand shoots electromagnetic pulses to precise acupoints on the hand which correspond to the uterus and ovaries to bypass the pain signals to the brain. Because the left side of your body is more attuned to electromagnetic impulses and therefore more sensitive, it is important to treat the correct trigger acupoints in your left hand.

PMT Relief with Acupoint Therapy - The Results

The electromagnetic impulses that your electronic acupuncture device delivers not only bypass the pain signals but also release healing endorphins as well. Menstrual cramps can be treated at the first sign of encroaching pain with ease without interrupting your daily routine. In fact, you can get ahead of your pain before it even starts if your menstrual cycle is regular simply by following the acupoint hand map with your electronic acupuncture device.

Natural Allergy Relief - Acupoint Therapy

Millions of people seek allergy relief each year, especially in the spring when flowers bloom and grass and tree pollen are at an all time high. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry is booming during these times. If you are tired of taking medications that may or may not work to stifle your allergic reactions to pollen or even other allergens like pet dander, mould and dust, electromagnetic wave therapy is a great alternative. It’s acupuncture but without needles.

Science behind Allergic Reactions

Microscopic particles of pollen, mood, dust and even environmental pollutants are viewed as invaders of the body when inhaled. These irritants trigger an immunological response, causing the white blood cells to attack. The result is a release of histamines which kick off allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes as well as nasal congestion, sneezing and runny nose. The typical over the counter or prescription allergy relief remedy is antihistamines in the form of pills or nasal sprays.

How Acupuncture Can Work

Based on the principles of acupuncture, there are acupoints along the body which correspond to various body functions. When you employ electromagnetic wave therapy such as the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist device, you use the principles of acupuncture, only without the needles. The ancient Chinese believed that the lungs are tied to your immunological function as well as sinus and respiratory functions. By stimulating the corresponding acupoint areas, you can treat the problem and realise allergy relief.

Using a wand to deliver the electromagnetic wave impulses, you must touch specific areas on your left hand which correspond with respiratory function as well as eyes and nose functions, depending on your specific allergy relief needs. You can adjust the wave lengths based on the depth of nasal inflammation and other allergic reactions as well as your own comfort level.

If you are pregnant, electromagnetic wave therapy is not recommended. And, even though electromagnetic wave therapy is typically safe, it is important to investigate potential underlying conditions with a doctor before self-diagnosing. However, if you are beleaguered by normal seasonal allergies, electronic acupuncture is a good alternative therapy for basic allergy relief as well as help with other health and wellness areas as well.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cheapest Aculife Machines in the World

Due to favourable tax arrangements between the EU and the rest of the World, Aculife is now available for just US$170 once your delivery address is outside of the EU. These export orders price Aculife lower than anywhere else in the world. There is a dedicated website now for non-EU buyers This represents tremendous value and puts home acupuncture into the hands of most people. This special offer is available until the end of April.

Aculife continues to work wonders for its many users. One of our long time customers told me just last week that he uses Aculife for a few days if he feels bronchitis coming on him and it usually stops it in its tracks. There is no preventative medicine quite like it.

Another customer suffering from severe back pain, who has been using his Aculife for 5 years, won't go anywhere without his Aculife. This is a wonderful testimony to the effectiveness of Aculife for pain management and well being.