Acupoint Therapy
With a magnetic acupuncture device like the Aculife, you can treat without needing to see a professional acupuncturist or juggle medications and psychotherapy treatments. This hand-held device uses a wand to direct electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints located on your hand and palm. An accompanying hand map pinpoints specific body functions which may contribute to your panic disorder.
Studying your Panic Disorder for your Treatment Plan
Study your own reactions when you experience a panic attack. What happens to you may not happen to others with a panic disorder. If you become nauseous and have chest pains, you will want to target the acupoints on the hand that deal w your heart function and digestive system. With a rapid heart rate, hyperventilation or even a sense of impending doom, you would target the acupoints on the hand and palm dealing with the circulatory and nervous system.
The beauty of the Aculife Magnetic Wave device is that you can directly treat the areas in which the symptoms are manifested in your panic disorder. Medications and even psychotherapy cannot always be that successfully direct, although they do help. Electronic acupuncture can be a very effective complementary therapy for your panic disorder.
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