Friday, November 5, 2010

Want Symptom Detection - Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist Can Help

The Aculife electronic acupuncture device is an excellent complementary treatment for a variety of health conditions. However, did you know that is also has a detection mode? You can use this handheld device to detect possible undiagnosed problems. With the results you get from a reading, you could then present your findings to your doctor to test and confirm a diagnosis.

The Detection Mode

To use the Aculife in detection mode for checking potential health issues, you need a frame of reference. In electronic acupuncture, this is called Shao Shang. With your hand facing down, the Shao Shang area is right near the cuticle of your left thumb. Following the instructions of the device, you would touch the wand delivering the electromagnetic wave impulses to the Shao Shang area, adjusting the intensity until you feel a buzzing sensation. Now you have your baseline.

After the baseline has been established, you simply move the wand over different parts of the hand, using a marker to mark specific acupoints that provide the same baseline buzzing sensation or even those with higher intensity. Once you have completely covered your hand with the wand, you must examine which areas you marked and compare them to the hand map that accompanies each Aculife device.

Understanding the Magnetic Wave Therapist Detection Results

There is nothing to really worry about if the marks you place on your hand during the detection mode do not directly correlate to each other. However, if several of your marks correspond to the same body organ or function, you can use this information and take it to your doctor. Having a starting point will help the doctor prescribe the proper tests to see if you do indeed have some type of health condition.

One thing is for certain, you should not use the Aculife as your sole resource for diagnosing and treating a health condition. Always bring your detection mode results to your doctor so that you can get a definitive diagnosis. Get your Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist at or read Aculife Reviews.

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