Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Treat the Hot Flashes and Other Symptoms of Menopause with Electronic Acupuncture

Some lucky women go through menopause without the typical hot flashes, personal dryness and other symptoms. However, they are in the minority. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy or following natural herbal methods without adequate relief, consider electronic acupuncture. It is a non-invasive way to treat your symptoms of menopause in the comfort of your own home.

A Brief Overview of Acupuncture and Its Electric Origins

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses stainless steel needles inserted into various acupoints along the body which correspond to particular functions. However, with the electronic form like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, there are no needles.

The theory behind acupuncture is that your body is comprised of various energy pathways called meridians. And if one of these pathways becomes blocked, it is likely due to illness, injury or natural biological phenomenon like menopause. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate particular acupoints that correspond to the affected body parts to release the blockage to restore proper energy flow.

When you use the Aculife device, electromagnetic pulses are delivered through acupoints in the palm and hand, using a handheld wand. In the case of hot flash remedies, you would simply follow the useful hand map that accompanies the device to pinpoint the best areas to treat menopausal symptoms. It is important to note that you also want to treat balancing points as well. For instance, if you treat the area on the palm tied to gynecological function, you would also want to treat blood pressure and skin condition areas on the backside of the hand since some of the symptoms of menopause include blood pressure issues and skin breakouts.

Simple and Affordable

Acupuncture is now considered a legitimate complementary treatment for many ailments. However, if you would rather not be stuck by needles or don't want to pay for repeat visits to a practiced acupuncturist, invest in the Aculife Therapist device instead. For the cost of just a few acupuncturist visits, you can have an electronic puncture device you can use in the comfort of your own home, according to your schedule. Treating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms has never been easier or effective than with the Aculife.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Want Symptom Detection - Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist Can Help

The Aculife electronic acupuncture device is an excellent complementary treatment for a variety of health conditions. However, did you know that is also has a detection mode? You can use this handheld device to detect possible undiagnosed problems. With the results you get from a reading, you could then present your findings to your doctor to test and confirm a diagnosis.

The Detection Mode

To use the Aculife in detection mode for checking potential health issues, you need a frame of reference. In electronic acupuncture, this is called Shao Shang. With your hand facing down, the Shao Shang area is right near the cuticle of your left thumb. Following the instructions of the device, you would touch the wand delivering the electromagnetic wave impulses to the Shao Shang area, adjusting the intensity until you feel a buzzing sensation. Now you have your baseline.

After the baseline has been established, you simply move the wand over different parts of the hand, using a marker to mark specific acupoints that provide the same baseline buzzing sensation or even those with higher intensity. Once you have completely covered your hand with the wand, you must examine which areas you marked and compare them to the hand map that accompanies each Aculife device.

Understanding the Magnetic Wave Therapist Detection Results

There is nothing to really worry about if the marks you place on your hand during the detection mode do not directly correlate to each other. However, if several of your marks correspond to the same body organ or function, you can use this information and take it to your doctor. Having a starting point will help the doctor prescribe the proper tests to see if you do indeed have some type of health condition.

One thing is for certain, you should not use the Aculife as your sole resource for diagnosing and treating a health condition. Always bring your detection mode results to your doctor so that you can get a definitive diagnosis. Get your Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist at or read Aculife Reviews.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cognitive Therapy Help - At Home with Electronic Acupoint Therapy

Many people with depression, anxiety or other disorders often resort to medications and cognitive therapy to combat the negative thoughts and emotions that are ruling their lives. If you are in this situation, it is important to know that electronic acupuncture can help you cope better with your problems and even speed up recovery time.

How Cognitive Therapy Works

The basis of cognitive therapy holds the hypothesis that your thoughts can affect your mood and lead to negative or false emotions. The goal of this type of therapy is to help you recognize that negativity and replace it with positive thoughts and actions that are best suited to reality.

Perhaps you jump to conclusions or unfairly label a person before getting to know them. Or maybe you blame yourself for things that you cannot control. Those thoughts that become distorted in your head can lead you down the wrong paths and even affect your physical health. For instance, negativity and dread can create rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath or even a queasy stomach. If you pair self-treatment with an electronic acupuncture device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist with cognitive therapy sessions, you will realize greater results.

The Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist as a Cognitive Aid

While traditional acupuncture uses needles, the electronic form like the Aculife uses electromagnetic energy delivered through a handheld wand. Most devices come with a hand and palm map so that you can accurately target the specific body parts affected by your negativity. In the case of rapid heartbeat, you would simply touch the wand to the area of the palm that corresponds with the heart.

Consider this – cognitive therapy helps you gain perspective and positivity by training your mind to change your thinking style while the Aculife device helps treat the physical manifestations of your emotions. By alleviating the physical, you basically pave way for increased success with the mental side of things. Learn more at or

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Erection Problems? Get Natural Relief With Aculife

Impotence is a word that every man wishes he did not have in his vocabulary. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction (ED) does exist and affects millions of men each year. There are several popular medications for this condition but they sometimes have side effects that negatively affect a man's health. If you are a man seeking ED drug alternatives, consider the practice of acupuncture, specifically electronic acupuncture that the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist device offers.

Causes of Sexual Problems in Men

Many men do not realise that sexual excitement actually begins in the brain and from there signals are sent throughout the body to display sexual desire, typically in the form of an erection. You may be like some men who are relatively healthy but still have low libido or trouble forming or retaining an erection. In other words, the body is willing but the mind is blocking the right signals. This could be due to stress factors such as work, personal problems or even depression.

Of course, there are also a variety of health issues that can also cause ED such as high blood pressure, diabetes, injuries, use of tobacco and alcohol and even other medications. Whatever the health issue may be, it is blocking your brain's response in sending blood rushing into the penis in order to form or maintain an erection. While there are drugs available for this condition, electronic acupuncture is an excellent complementary treatment for a variety of sexual problems.

How Electronic Acupuncture Works

Electronic acupuncture devices such as the Aculife work in a similar fashion to traditional Chinese practices of acupuncture using stainless steel needles. Both require stimulation at specific acupoints in order to remove any energy blockages within the body. However, the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist emits electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints in your left hand and palm using a small wand. By touching the wand to the acupoints that correspond to your libido and sexual organs, you can self-treat your impotence problem without relying solely on drugs that may not work. The Aculife also works on other ailments as well and you utilize it in the comfort of your own home. Learn more at

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Natural Hotflash Remedies - Aculife NO-NEEDLES Acupuncture at Home

Some lucky women go through menopause without the typical hot flashes, personal dryness and other symptoms. However, they are in the minority. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy or following natural herbal methods without adequate relief, consider electronic acupuncture. It is a non-invasive way to treat your symptoms of menopause in the comfort of your own home.

A Brief Overview of Acupuncture and Its Electric Origins

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses stainless steel needles inserted into various acupoints along the body which correspond to particular functions. However, with the electronic form like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, there are no needles.

The theory behind acupuncture is that your body is comprised of various energy pathways called meridians. And if one of these pathways becomes blocked, it is likely due to illness, injury or natural biological phenomenon like menopause. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate particular acupoints that correspond to the affected body parts to release the blockage to restore proper energy flow.

When you use the Aculife device, electromagnetic pulses are delivered through acupoints in the palm and hand, using a handheld wand. In the case of hot flash remedies, you would simply follow the useful hand map that accompanies the device to pinpoint the best areas to treat menopausal symptoms. It is important to note that you also want to treat balancing points as well. For instance, if you treat the area on the palm tied to gynecological function, you would also want to treat blood pressure and skin condition areas on the backside of the hand since some of the symptoms of menopause include blood pressure issues and skin breakouts.

Simple and Affordable

Acupuncture is now considered a legitimate complementary treatment for many ailments. However, if you would rather not be stuck by needles or don’t want to pay for repeat visits to a practiced acupuncturist, invest in the Aculife Therapist device instead. For the cost of just a few acupuncturist visits, you can have an electronic puncture device you can use in the comfort of your own home, according to your schedule. Treating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms has never been easier or effective than with the Aculife.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can Aculife Help with Panic Attacks?

If you have ever had intense feelings of anxiety come upon you suddenly accompanied by rapid heart rate, sweating, chills, hyperventilation, chest pain, throat tightening and more, you have experienced a panic attack. Medications and psychotherapy are common treatments and while they do work, they are not a one-size fits all kind of solution. Magnetic acupuncture can help bridge the gap in your treatment options. Also known as electronic acupuncture, this magnetic form is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture which involve inserting tiny needles into specific acupoints along the body. The goal is to manipulate certain spots to unblock trapped energy in your body. With a panic disorder, chances are you have a lot of negative energy building up in your body and the only way it had been released has been through panic attacks. What if you can head those panicky feelings and manifestations off at the pass?

Acupoint Therapy

With a magnetic acupuncture device like the Aculife, you can treat without needing to see a professional acupuncturist or juggle medications and psychotherapy treatments. This hand-held device uses a wand to direct electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints located on your hand and palm. An accompanying hand map pinpoints specific body functions which may contribute to your panic disorder.

Studying your Panic Disorder for your Treatment Plan

Study your own reactions when you experience a panic attack. What happens to you may not happen to others with a panic disorder. If you become nauseous and have chest pains, you will want to target the acupoints on the hand that deal w your heart function and digestive system. With a rapid heart rate, hyperventilation or even a sense of impending doom, you would target the acupoints on the hand and palm dealing with the circulatory and nervous system.

The beauty of the Aculife Magnetic Wave device is that you can directly treat the areas in which the symptoms are manifested in your panic disorder. Medications and even psychotherapy cannot always be that successfully direct, although they do help. Electronic acupuncture can be a very effective complementary therapy for your panic disorder.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Treat Headaches with Aculife

If you have ever experienced severe headaches or migraines, you can recognise the onset of one by its many symptoms: localized pain at the top, sides or even front and center of your head, throbbing sensations within the sinus cavities, sensitivity to light and even dizziness and nausea. The typical treatment is to take prescribed medications and lie down in a quiet, dark room. However, what if you can treat migraine pain successfully without resorting to medications? There is an electronic form of acupuncture called magnetic wave therapy which you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Traditional Acupuncture vs. the Electronic Form

The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture uses tiny needles inserted into various strategic points throughout your body. The thought is that your body is divided into various energy pathways called meridians and if one of them becomes blocked, pain or illness sets in. Inserting the needles at various acupoints work to unblock the energy, allowing proper flow and therefore, pain-free or illness-free existence.

For various reasons (cost or aversion to needles), you may not want to try traditional acupuncture. There is an alternative called electronic acupuncture that you can do yourself. Using a small, handheld device like the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist, you can treat your migraine pain or any other malady on your schedule, not anyone else’s.

How It All Works

The Aculife device uses electromagnetic waves delivered through a handheld wand. A detailed hand map accompanies the device which breaks down body functions and highlights the corresponding acupoints. Following the instructions set forth by the Aculife, you would simply touch the wand to strategic spots on the hand and palm, based on where your migraine pain is located.

Keep in mind that it may take several sessions before you realize full relief from this electronic form of acupuncture. After all, if you have been experiencing migraine pain for years, it will take some experimenting, targeting the appropriate acupoints before you find the right combination to suit your needs. However, once you do, you will have a fail-safe way of alleviating migraine pain BEFORE it debilitates you.