Friday, March 12, 2010

Cheapest Aculife Machines in the World

Due to favourable tax arrangements between the EU and the rest of the World, Aculife is now available for just US$170 once your delivery address is outside of the EU. These export orders price Aculife lower than anywhere else in the world. There is a dedicated website now for non-EU buyers This represents tremendous value and puts home acupuncture into the hands of most people. This special offer is available until the end of April.

Aculife continues to work wonders for its many users. One of our long time customers told me just last week that he uses Aculife for a few days if he feels bronchitis coming on him and it usually stops it in its tracks. There is no preventative medicine quite like it.

Another customer suffering from severe back pain, who has been using his Aculife for 5 years, won't go anywhere without his Aculife. This is a wonderful testimony to the effectiveness of Aculife for pain management and well being.